Home Secure Leeds

In these months of summer, many of us are looking forward to a well-earned vacation. But the last thing you want to find when you get back home with a tan is that your house has been broken into. We have some great ideas for keeping your home and belongings safe from the hassle of burglary repairs Leeds while you’re on vacation. That means you don’t have to worry about the safety of your home while you’re away.


Make your home appear to be occupied

Studies have shown that almost half of all burglaries are done on the spot. So, if it’s clear that no one is home, it can make it easy for someone to break in. If you don’t want people to notice that your house is empty, it’s a good idea to:

  • Make sure that your lights and television come on at the appropriate times by programming them into automatic timers or consulting a virtual assistant such as Alexa, Siri, or Google Assistant.
  • Limit the number of packages you get, because a pile of unopened packages shows that you aren’t there to get them.
  • You should empty your trash cans and put them back where they belong.
  • Cut your grass and take care of your flowers so it doesn’t look like you aren’t around to take care of an overgrown garden.
  • Ask a friend to use your driveway to park their car.

Making it look like things are normal can help keep unwanted visitors away.

Lock your windows and doors

In the haste to travel to the airport, it is easy to forget to close or lock even a single window or door. So check your windows and doors one last time before you leave, even if you know everything is locked. Before you leave for vacation, it is also a great time to call a locksmith to make your home safer. Home Secure Leeds can fix uPVC door and window locks, hinges, and gaskets. We can also replace door handles. Your best first line of defense against break-ins is to protect your doors and windows well. In case of emergencies, look for a locksmith for window repair Leeds.

Hide your important things

Any burglar may make a significant amount of money by stealing pricey electronics, including computers, laptops, phones, tablets, game consoles, and other similar items. Don’t give thieves a reason to break into your home by leaving valuables out in the open. Instead, hide them in cupboards, wardrobes, or wall safes.

Don’t tell people about your trip on social media

When you go on vacation, it can be fun to take pictures and videos to show your friends what you did. But this lets everyone know that your house is empty. Make every effort to refrain from posting about your trip until you have returned home. Or, if you really can’t help yourself, only let your friends see your posts.

Still fallen victim to a burglar? We can help

When you travel, it’s easy to lose something. A toothbrush or a souvenir won’t be missed, but what if you forget your keys? What if you come back and found that a burglar broke into your house? Home Secure Leeds can help with that. When you find yourself locked out of your home and in need of emergency locksmith services, or when you need burglary repairs Leeds, they are available around the clock to assist you in gaining entry. Contact right away if you need an emergency locksmith or uPVC window or door repair or burglary repairs Leeds. You can then relax and enjoy your trip.


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